Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dulce et Decorum Est †Wilfred Owen’s Poem Essay

Dulce et Decorum Est – Wilfred Owen’s renowned war poem for its frowning on the glorification on war, and The Last Night by Charlotte Gray, similarly depicting the effects of war on the unimpeachable youth, in prose form. Both are excellent representations of the devastation that war truly is and can only result in, and are both written in historical context, only Dulce et Decorum preceded the latter. Dulce directly juxtaposed another war poet, Jessie Pope, who romanticized the concept of it and really manipulated the patriotic conscience. The irony here is that the even after the former described the trauma that war produced, and the unacceptable manner in how people revered the act, the world went on to WWII. Which almost questions why did it happen, did not the destruction of the previous war play any guilt or effect on the countries’ leaders? Over the course of this essay, I aim to reveal the physical and mental effects of war – as well as covering the idealism and the theme of slaughtering the innocents. In the beginning verse of Dulce, the author plays upon the image of a man walking. Contrastive to the propagandizing posters that were often seen at the time that rendered an erect, striding man holding a gun confidently- a picture of tired, old men is illustrated, which emphasizes the idea that they have aged far too quickly. â€Å"Bent double, like old beggars† and â€Å"knock-kneed† delineate a pigeon-toed figure suffering from pure fatigue –an inadequacy to be what is defined as a soldier. In the simile, â€Å"Coughing like hags, we cursed†, we can hear the witch hoarseness of the cough – the enigma here is the build-up this state if they have been simply marching through battles, like Jessie Pope presumed. A sense of utter sensory deprivation is conveyed through, â€Å"Men marched asleep†¦ limped on, lame, all tired, drunk with fatigue, deaf even to the hoots.† The immediate assumption here is that the men would, if given the choice, collapse in a heap of discomfort, subconscious, and fall asleep. The fact that they are compared to drunken men only accentuates their circumstance, a probable disparity between when they started out as recruits and this moment in the poem. They conjured up a web of deception, and empathy from us, as well as in The Last Night, when the children rest in deep sleep despite the appalling environment – really showing their desperation for a moment of peace. The accumulation of all of this is that war has finally taken its toll, the young men evolving — or more appropriately, regressing — into haggard and withered creatures that have faced acute pain and loss. However, the change in pace within the stanza is evident – when faced by death, we experience â€Å"an ecstasy of fumbling†, and this change in speed exposes their anxieties when in the full, frontal face of death, or perhaps the inexplicable torment of a gas attack, as they have seen their peers die in the hands of it before. As they â€Å"fumble† – stressing the urgency of the situation – not everybody manages to clamber on a gas mask in time. The poem is told from a first-person perspective, although this is not made clear at first, however, this allows us to interpret it from a first-hand simulation. The inevitability of the gas floating towards them like a death sentence is horrific -one soldier inhales it, and the devastating effects described in detail. We watch helplessly at him â€Å"flound’ring like a man in fire or lime†, which links to burnings at the stake, arguably the worst torture in existence. We see his eyes writhe in his face, a clear connotation of a loon, suggesting he is in an insane, maniacal state. And then â€Å"his hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin.†, only serves to show how much pain has been delivered. The men then â€Å"fling† him in a wagon which shows the dehumanization of the moment, and they watch him froth and gargle blood, twisting unnaturally. â€Å"The incurable sores† is exactly what it says, incurable. The physical effects are irrevocable, physically and mentally. Through use of emotive metaphors and similes, Owen molds an indubitably sickening portrayal of a suffering man, introducing the readers to the realities of war. Likewise, The Last Night also paints a picture of suffering, but in a far subtler manner. Unlike the soldiers in Dulce, the fate of these innocent, Jewish children is unavoidable for everyone, thus having a certain sadness to it. They have been sentenced to the gas chambers as well, and we can deduce that they will face like pain to the soldier in the previous paragraph, which, for a child, we all know is terrifying and never deserved. The pain we encounter in this extract is more that of basic deprivations, like food, water, and love too. We can understand that the children are exhausted because, despite the most likely uncomfortable surroundings, â€Å"many of the children were too deeply asleep to be aroused.† The children sleep in dung: â€Å"the soft bloom of cheek laid, uncaring†, shows a child with a tinge of rose in his cheeks, the sweetness and the unfairness of this trial he must endure. Again, they are reduced to an animalistic level, â€Å"Jacob’s limbs were intertwined with his [his brother’s] for warmth.†; this imitates two young, baby animals that lie together, unknowing of the world’s cruelties or the predators that stalk them. The children are ravenous and denied of sufficient food and drink, as they cluster around a woman â€Å"holding out sardine cans† for water, and as we know, these cans are remarkably slim and unsuitable to drink water from, especially when the can is passed around of a crowd. They are each provided with a sandwich, this severe rationing a punishment they do not deserve. The physical pain that is shown in this section of The Last Night is purely tiredness and hunger, two qualities good parents ensure their children are not. Their frail bodies find it difficult to withstand this, but the dramatic irony here is that their fate in store is much worse and absolutely inhumane. â€Å"A shower of scraps was thrown towards them† reiterates the animals they are being essentially treated as. As for the mental pain faced by the soldiers, it must surpass the physical by far. From the lies, to leaving their loved ones, the pain and the distant memories are even more difficult to face. Homesickness, when really experienced, can be a very intense and sad feeling, and this does not really raise any morale. One can only imagine their befuddlement when arriving to the trenches and wondering where their accommodation was. As continued from the previous, their mental velocity increased tremendously when in the face of adversity and death. This can only be expected, and is marked by the â€Å"Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!†. The mental anguish when they see their peer suffer but are utterly of no use in this is astounding, and the scene runs almost as a nightmarish sequence, as signified by â€Å"Dim through the misty panes, and thick green light. In all my dreams before my helpless sight.†. The dramatic verb drown is used, and they watch their former companion die in the sea of gas, they having escaped the same fate by only a second or two. This fact is enough to leave them in a state of momentary shock, and in the future, a play back of this episode is probably revisited by every soldier who saw the sight and regretted having being unable to help him in any way – the same shock was experienced when all the Jews realized their time had come: â€Å"a quickening of muscle and nerve† in The Last Night. Through each line, we must remember whom the poem was addressed to, and we can sense some underlying bitterness. The triplet â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning† throws itself out with a dynamic impact. It wouldn’t be expected for the children to know of their demise, but as seen in the excerpt, they seem to sense something wrong. This is why â€Å"In the filthy straw, they dug their heels in and screamed.† Instead of just struggling, they choose to scream, which reveals their internal uncertainties and distress. The metaphor â€Å"dig† means they are trying to fix themselves in the straw, and how they distrust the officers. They are forced towards and â€Å"crammed† in a bus, which again, brings back the animal-like treatment motif. As the adults wrote their possibly last messages which had no to little guarantee of delivery, â€Å"some wrote with sobbing passion and some with punctilious care.† Both adjectives suggest a degree of great mental turmoil, the only difference being the latter having some restraint. Yet there is a recognition of hopelessness in the atmosphere, â€Å"the adults in the room sat slumped against the wall.†, the emotions going through them must have been complex, but ultimately, an increasing feel of nothing can be done, and giving up. This is not a movie where the resolution magically occurs, but this is a depiction of reality. As the officers call out their names â€Å"alphabetically†, in a standardized order, this shows how devoid of emotion or remorse they are, and how each child and each person is reduced to just another name. There is a nervous and tense atmosphere, it seems as if everybody is waiting for some justice to occur, but as we know, this does not happen. They are quickly thrown into the buses, â€Å"the homely sound of a Parisian bus† is somehow mocking to the whole scene. Probably the most heart-rending image is when a mother sees her child for the last time†¦ â€Å"her eyes were fixed with terrible ferocity†¦ intensely open to fix the picture of her child, for ever.† To see your child for the last time, to know of the death, to be able to do nothing about it, as in Dulce, there is the same sense of no faith or hope. The wails and screams of the women as they throw food towards the buses from the camp – knowing the food will never reach, but desperately wanting to do something anyhow – is the final time they will ever see their maternal figures, and the children are, precisely put, doomed. The fact that none of the officers act even merely touched by their fellow humans’ sadness is repulsive. â€Å"Five municipal buses now stood trembling in the corner of the yard† – the buses are personified, which is a symbolic representation of their fear. The story concludes with the bus turning away, â€Å"the headlights, for a moment, light up the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ opposite before the driver turned the wheel and headed for the station.† This glimpse of something perfectly normal spotlights the unfairness of it all on the children – who at one time, had that ‘other life’. The theme of glory and innocence is well covered in Dulce. In fact, the title is sufficient, To die for your country, is a sweet thing. The poem runs on to contradict it, ending with, â€Å"The old lie: Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Patria Mori.† And we are forced to agree, having been witness to the preceding bloodshed. â€Å"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs†¦ thy friend, you could not tell with such high zest, to children ardent for some desperate glory, The Old Lie:†, this quotation sums up all the contempt he has for any form of glorification of war, when really it is one’s own sacrifice rather than an obligation. It has a tinge of instruction to it, almost as if he trying to convince her in an angry, forceful way, and if he said it verbally, it seems as if it would increase with volume. This is quite justified, as Jessie Pope idealized war as fun, and liked it to a game, and that anybody who ‘chickened’ out was basically a coward. This induced such an outrage that Owen felt he needed to prove how nauseating the concept was. He addresses the soldiers as â€Å"children†, which somehow brings out their naivety and how easy it is to convince – adults generally lie to children in order to mask the truth. The young men were obviously targeted for recruiting and decided to join more out of fear of mockery rather than pure patriotism. The concept of innocence in The Last Night is brought up quite often, the youngness of the children is stressed upon. For example, â€Å"Some children were too small to manage the step up† and â€Å"A baby few weeks†¦ cot was crammed into the bus.† If the children are too small to even step onto the bus themselves, and require support, and they really criminals – or infested jews? They are too young to even know the reason for their death, and as soon as they came into this world, they were stolen just as quickly. They have no ability to reason, no ability to know of the dangers, no ability to believe in anything, yet simply because of their religion – something they are most likely unaware of – they have been sentenced to die and never experience any of life’s pleasures. If they haven’t learnt simple motor skills, how can they be expected to react to a gas attack? The pure horror of it can never be condensed – it is like t hose horror stories materialized. Dulce and The Last Night are both classic pieces of history, genuine and likely more realistic records of those corrupt events that hopefully will not happen ever again. They are both timeless, and dark reminders of why war shouldn’t happen, although pain is still inflicted, every second. These two pieces are a reminder that pain can never truly be prevented as that is how a few are wired to work – and these few have the power to influnce many others. However, the main point the pieces try to bridge across is the innocence of the fighters – who are more like pawns or victims – and the superfluous glorification of war. Something that pains another should never be laughed or promoted in any form, as fundamentally, we are one species, we are the same, as Shylock in the Merchant of Venice so eloquently expressed. The quotation â€Å"Do unto others as others would do unto you,† applies to both concepts the writers try to draw, but in the end, the sadness in both renditions of war is the dehumanization and of course, the gruesome massacres, but mostly, the indifference. The indifference of the bystanders as well as the leaders.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Medicine and law

Kong-lung, Consultant Forensic Pathologist (Kowloon) Forensic Pathology Service, Department of Health Introduction Obviously, this was to protect the public from quackery. Fees for the doctors were paid by the State. If unsatisfactory results followed a course of treatment that had departed from the orthodox, the doctor responsible would be liable to punishment, which could be very harsh. Similar legal restrictions on medical practice were also found in other early civilizations such as Babylon and India.It is now a firmly established belief that legal and ethical considerations are integral to medical practice in the planning for the care of the patient. With the advances in medical sciences and growing sophistication of the legal framework in modern society as well as increasing awareness of human rights and changing moral principles of the community at large, doctors and other healthcare workers alike are now frequently caught in difficult dilemmas in many aspects arising from dai ly practice.Examples are plenty such as the duty to respect informed onset, truth-telling, breach of confidentiality, disclosure of medical errors, rationing of scarce health resources, biomedical research, organ donation, etc. Besides, there is also growing anxiety both within the medical profession and in the community regarding increasing trends of complaints and lawsuits against doctors. From the bitter experience of many doctors who were engaged in complaint or lawsuits in the past, many of them had resulted from failing of their doctor-patient communication skill or inadequate ability to comprehend and resolve dilemmas in clinical settings.Throughout the history of mankind, medical legislation has continuously evolved to regulate the practice of medicine. The fundamental objective is to safeguard the standards of the medical profession and to protect the public against unskilled vendors of medicine who would be as injurious to the community as other criminals. The Justinian Co de of the Byzantine Empire in 529 AD is probably the earliest law code found to contain clauses to require educational standard and proof of competence of doctors by examinations.It also restricted the number of doctors in each town and penalties were imposed for alphabetic. By 12th century, there were well established medical legislations in Italy, namely the edict of Roger II of Sicily in 1140 and Frederick II in 1224, to prescribe organized medical teaching, set courses, examinations and qualifications. 3 Medical ethics has developed into a well based discipline which acts as a â€Å"bridge† between theoretical bioethics and the bedside. L The goal is â€Å"to improve the quality of patient care by identifying, analyzing, and attempting to resolve the ethical problems that arise in practice†. In addition to our moral obligations, doctors are also bound y laws and official regulations which form the legal framework regulating medical practice. It is now a universal c onsensus that legal and ethical considerations are inherent and inseparable parts of good medical practice across the whole spectrum. The disciplines of law and ethics in medical practice overlap in many areas and yet each has its unique parameters and distinct focus. In Hong Kong, laws on public health and medical practice, essentially an adoption of the English Acts, had been introduced from the early days.The monumental principles that apply generally to medicine or health care at large are: (a) respect of patient's autonomy; (b) the principle of malefaction, I. E. , the duty to avoid harm or injury to patients; (c) the principle of beneficence, I. E. , the duty to do good to your patients, relieve their pain and suffering and to save life if you can; and (d) the principle of justice and act fairly. Meaning of Law and Medical Ethics in a Nutshell The values that encompass the four fundamental principles in medical ethics are self-evident.They are considered to be doctor's prima f acie duties to the patients and society. It is necessary for a doctor to take all of them into account when they are applicable to the clinical case under consideration. Not infrequently, when two or more principles apply, they may be in conflict. For instance, the decision to operate on a case of acute appendicitis involves at least two competing prima facie duties on the part of the doctor. At one end, the doctor is obliged to provide the greatest benefit to the patient by performing an immediate appendectomy.At the other end, surgery and general anesthesia carry risks and the doctor is under the obligation to avoid causing harm to the patient. The solution adopted must base on a balance between the demands of the competing principles by determining which carries more weight in the particular case. In the case of appendicitis, a generally accepted rational calculus holds that the patient is in far greater risk of harm from a ruptured appendix if the doctor do not act, than from th e operation and anesthesia if the doctor proceed to surgery.In its simplest context, law can be defined as enforced rules devised by the State to govern the behavior of its members for the mutual benefits of all. Observance of the rules must be guaranteed by some kinds of sanction erected against the rule breakers. In addition to laws for the general public, doctors are bounded by certain specific rules stipulated in statutes as well as code of professional conduct laid down by the official regulating authority, namely the Medical Council, and administrative codes set by the institutions.Together, they form the legal framework regarding the practice of medicine, violation of which may lead to criminal or civil liability, or disciplinary actions. In addition to legal obligations, there are also expectations of society for the doctors and the goal of the profession eased on long established moral principles of self-evident value, which define the moral framework of medical practice. M edical ethics can be defined as a self-imposed code of conduct accepted voluntarily within the medical profession, the observance of which depends on one's conscience and moral values.Law and Medicine Law and medical ethics are both dynamic and are in a constant state of change with time due to changing circumstances and societal values. Thus, new legislation and court decisions give rise to changes of the law and new ethical issues emerge in response to challenges rated by new technology, law or other influence. There is also wide difference in law from country to country because of factors regarding religion, culture, traditions, political systems and social standards.Broadly speaking, medical matters come into interaction with law in four aspects: (a) legislation and administrative regulations affecting medical practice; (b) court Judgments on problematic or controversial ethical issues in medicine; (c) medical matters or personnel may become subjects of lawsuits when issues of m edical malpractice or alleged medical negligence arise; and (d) use of medical matters s evidence in courts for other criminal or civil proceedings such as cases of homicide, rape, wounding, workman's compensation, insurance claims and the like.Fundamental Principles in Medical Ethics Medical ethics is an applied ethics which involves examining specific controversial issues such as abortion, breach of confidentiality, end-of-life care, rationing of scarce medical resources. The objective is to try to identify the issue concerned, analyze it with reasoned ideas and arguments and arrive at a viable and morally acceptable resolution for it.In the realm of medical practice, it is official to hold rules or principles that are absolute in view of the many variables that exist in the context of clinical cases as well as new issues that arise as a result The Interaction of Law and Ethics in Medical Practice Despite their distinctive roles, law and medical ethics overlap in many areas. It is indeed difficult to dissociate the legal and ethical basis of the professional duties of doctors. For instance, both law and medical ethics address to issues of confidentiality, euthanasia, abortion, use of dangerous drugs, medical malpractice and the like. 4 Volvo. 8 NO. 6

Monday, July 29, 2019

Introduction of the independant & independant variables Research Paper

Introduction of the independant & independant variables - Research Paper Example Findings revealed that there are large and significant race/ethnic and nativity differences in lung function, grip strength, and gait speed, and that childhood and current adult health and SES reduces race/ethnic differences in physical performance but does not eliminate them entirely (Haas, Krueger, & Rohlfsen, 2012). The systematic review of the data of 7,833 English consulters aged 50 years and above, and 6,846 Dutch consulters aged 18 years selected using cross-sectional health surveys assessed physical health status as it links to age. Findings revealed that of the 78 consulting morbidities, 43% was attributed to increasing age, 40% to morbidity severity and 17% to deprivation for English consulters; the figures were 21%, 42% and 31%, respectively for Dutch consulters (Kadam et al., 2009). The systematic analysis of data from the 2003 National Survey of Children’s Health of 102,353 telephone surveys of parents of children aged 0 to 17 years assessed the effects of multipl e social risks on children’s health. Findings revealed that the percentage of children in poorer health increased with the number of social risk factors across and more than half of children had >2 risk factors, and 24% had >4 (Larson et al., 2008). The quantitative questionnaire-based survey administered to 8,206 individuals aged 50 and above through non-probability sampling assessed the health status, quality of life, and well-being of older people in rural Tanzania. Findings revealed that among people aged 50 and over, having good quality of life and health status was significantly associated with being male, married and not being among the oldest old, and that increase in age increased the difficulty in performing routine activities, particularly in women (odds ratio 1.31; P >.001, 95% CI 1.15-1.50) (Mwanyangala et al, 2010). The cohort study of 2,631

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Matthew McAllister Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Matthew McAllister - Essay Example This discussion asks that What factors have contributed to the change in the role of news? The greatest factor is, perhaps, the purchasing of television networks by movie studios. The movie studios, therefore, use their corporate ties with the television news networks so purchased to exert promotional pressures. Consequently, news lose their prime position as the news networks under entertainment corporations have to air ads during prime-time news. In addition, the television news networks lose control of the content they air as their sponsors dictate what suits their financial interests.According to the paper findings another major factor is to drive profits. In order to attract advertisers, news networks need not just an expanded viewership, but the viewership that interests advertisers. Since news mostly interests the elderly, news networks have adjust their broadcasting so as to rake in the youth as well. This is the rationale behind the reality show craze, as is the case with CB S which has been airing Survivor. It is not uncommon to find such stations holding a discussion on the outcome of the previous episode of the reality show during news time. Generally, news networks have transformed into entertainment and promotional zones.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Response papers Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response papers - Movie Review Example Rain Man is an American drama movie produced in 1988. It narrates the tale of two brothers, one a selfish, abrasive young man (Charlie Babbitt), and the other an autistic savant (Raymond Babbitt). As the tagline states, it is â€Å"a journey through understanding and fellowship† (Internet Movie Database, 2015). Charlie is in the middle of a financial crisis and finds out that his father has died and handed down the multimillion-dollar family estate to his other son. He is only left with his late father’s car and rose bushes. He investigates where the money is directed and discovers it is sent to a mental institution where his brother (whom he never knew) lives. Charlie wants to get control of the money by attempting to become his brother’s legal guardian. They commence on a long trip back to Los Angeles by road and on the way they discover they actually enjoy each other’s company. By the end of the movie, it is evident that Charlie has changed his attitude towards life and love, in general. The main theme expressed by the movie is that people can change to accept the disabled in our society. It also shows that the disabled possess rare abilities, apart from the shortcomings that other people impose on them. For instance, Charlie discovers that Raymond is an autistic savant; he has an excellent memory and amazing mathematical capabilities. The movie is about change. Unlike his elder brother, Raymond, who remains the same throughout the movie, Charlie transforms from the self-centered young man to one who loves those close to him and sees things from their perspective. The plot shows that the problem lies not in the disabled but the society. The movie is very similar to the article Confronting Ableism by Thomas Hehir. He claims that changing our attitude and approach in dealing with the handicapped is the solution to end stigmatization. Potok (2002) is of the same idea. We need to change how we label people with disabilities and accept

Friday, July 26, 2019

British Petroleum Sustainability in Project Management Essay

British Petroleum Sustainability in Project Management - Essay Example It would be crucial to depict that sustainability, in business, generally refers to the approach of minimizing the unfavorable impacts caused by the operations of the business to the local or the global environment, the community, the society and the people altogether (Deloitte, 2010). Correspondingly, during the management of any project, gaining sustainability is quite mandatory as it works towards the welfare of the business in the long-run. In order to get a comprehensive understanding to this notion, the discussion of the paper will consider the example of BP Plc and its approach towards attaining maximum sustainability when managing projects. The primary aim of this particular study is to determine the approach of BP Plc in attaining sustainability in its worldwide operations through effective project management. The paper will also analyze the data gathered with the assistance of a sustainability framework that would be developed from the review of various literatures and jour nals. Literature Review Importance of Sustainability in Business It is apparent from the above discussion that sustainability is quite a vital component in various areas of the business of the companies irrespective of the industry they are operating in. It will not be ambiguous to depict that in order to ensure the long term survival of the business; companies need emphasize on enhancing their performances regarding sustainability. Businesses in the contemporary scenario need to deal with various challenges that are quite distinct and separated from the day to day activities of the organization. One such challenge for businesses today is dealing with the aspect of sustainability within various operational areas. Contextually, Clayton & Radcliffe (1996) argued that organizations in the modern scenario face challenges in terms of social and environmental issues that have hardly bothered the companies operated in the past. There is an extreme pressure from the government and other ext ernal non-profit bodies that instructs business units to conduct their business in a way that hampers the environment and the society to the minimum level. In many of the large organizations now-a-days, operations of the business largely focuses toward fulfilling the needs of the customers without harming the interests of the environment and the society altogether (Clayton & Radcliffe, 1996). Again in similar regard, in Fordham University (2013), it was depicted that sustainability in various operational areas of business lays a strong foundation for maximum profitability with regard to the long term operations of the business. According to the report, a sustainable business acquires the capability to deliver innovative products and services to the customers, promote accountability of the business and address the welfare of the shareholders and stakeholders of the business (Fordham University, 2013). In precise, it can be stated that sustainability in business can be regarded as a c ornerstone for the success of the same.

Emotionally intelligent leaders and their impact on followers' Essay - 2

Emotionally intelligent leaders and their impact on followers' performance and well-being A critical review of the literature and reflection for practice - Essay Example Sometimes it requires being calm in situations that are very intense and so the leader must do. He should remain calm so that the employees working under him or her could attain the goals given to them. Goleman (1996) believed that there were 5 major components to emotional intelligence. They were self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. The more a leader will look to control and monitor these elements the more his emotional intelligence would be and the chances of employees performing better would be higher. Goleman (1996) described being self aware means to know how one’s emotions and behavior will affect others. Horn (2013) & Mortiboys (2005) believe that if a leader is self aware of his situation in an organization then it has a very positive impact on the employees. A self aware leader would always know the mission of his project and will always make guidelines accordingly. When employees know what the mission of their organization or project is then it automatically becomes easy to follow directions. Following directions laid by the team leader most often leads to success as the project is designed and led by him or her. Gotshal (2007) believes that the reason for failure of 60% of business in the USA is the reason because the mission of the company and its projects are not well dictated by the leader. Employees are able to perform better with a leader who is self aware of himself. A self aware leader will always know what the company is in the market for and how to achieve what it has set foot on. A self aware leader looks to guide the employees on consistent basis. Collins (2011), Jennings (2012), Badaracco (1989) & Crandall (2007) believe that a leader who is self aware of himself also makes all the goals of the project clear so that it becomes easy for the employees to achieve them. Employees perform better when they know how and what to get within a period of time. A self aware leader sets realistic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Artwork Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Artwork Analysis - Research Paper Example This research paper not only describes Impressionism as a direction in French painting art, but also compares the artwork of two painting artists, which were Henri Rousseau and Camille Pissarro, who had contributed their skills and paintings in this period. Paintings, that are entitled Exotic Landscape and Landscape with Flock of Sheep were analyzed in details by researcher of the paper. First of the paintings of Henri Rousseau is entitled â€Å"Exotic Landscape† which was painted in the year 1910. Some visual elements of this work are duscussed, such as it's colors, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, straight lines and vertical lines, that were used to represent the plants and leaves. The meanings of the shapes and colors used by the artist are also discussed by the researcher. Second painting analyzed was by Camille Pissarro, and is entitled Landscape with Flock of Sheep. In visual elements of this painting, it is obvious that he didn’t used lines like Henri Rousseau but used colors in dots or patches. In the conclusion of the essay, the differences between the paintings are given. First, it is the way the two artist used their brushstrokes. For Pissarro, it can be perceived that his brushstroke was used in a quickly manner while in the work of Rousseau we can perceived that he uses his brushstroke in a smoothly manner. The colors of the two paintings are also very different. To sum up, the painting of Rousseau is more on imaginary tropical landscape but for Pissarro, it is more on the real image of the rural life of French.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Auditing - Understanding and Assessing Internal Control Essay

Auditing - Understanding and Assessing Internal Control - Essay Example 3. There is a risk of window dressing from store managers in order to achieve higher bonuses. They may use techniques to alter the figurers of the inventory as to avail the bonus for example by not recording the last day inventory as to show a better inventory management which will ultimately result in understatement of inventory and payable balances. 4. The risk in this case is that, the remaining staff may not possess the same level of skills. They may be unable provide with the quality of service required to detect, prevent and correct the misstatements. Fewer numbers of people in the internal audit department will also put extra burden of responsibility on the remaining staff so, the level of care could also be compromised resulting in non-detection of misstatements. 5. The risk in this case is that the quarterly financial statements are not presented to the bank as required and it withdraws the credit facility. If this happens, there is a danger that the Homepro would have liquidity problems, which may prevent the company to carry business and revenue is lost. There are also chances of window dressing. 6. Increased use of online shopping is a threat to the Homepro, since it may have serious effects on revenue (AUASB, 2009). There is a possibility that the opening of the online store would be delayed and the revenue would be lost. There is a threat of revenue being overstated to present a better picture for example, by recording revenue receipts, which pertain to next year. 7. The increased competition would force price cuts, which would ultimately result in decreased revenue and decreased profits. There are chances of revenue being overstated, or non-recording or delay in recording of expenses to show better profit figure for example by not recording year end expenses to show lower cost of sales. 8. Although the staff has been trained properly to handle the changes in the information system due to up gradation but still there are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Developing World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Developing World - Essay Example Despite its proficiency in providing aid and humanitarian support, like its predecessor the League of Nations, the UN is fundamentally reactive, unable to independently and resolutely mark its influence upon events. This wouldn’t appear to be accidental as it cannot be an effective ‘world parliament’ or a conscientious objector when its policies and actions are determined by the interests of the main imperialist powers, predominantly the US ruling class. Since 1945 America has been the dominant force in the UN. In the Korean War of 1950-1953 fought under the United Nations Joint Command, 90% of all army personnel, 93% of air power and 86% of naval power came from the US (UNDP, 2001). Washington is supposed to provide 22% of the UN budget, but has often withheld huge sums owed in order to force compliance with its wishes. These arrears currently stand at $1.3 billion (UNDP, 2001). United Nations’ peacekeeping interventions are often controversial affairs and lay bare the UN’s inability to keep the peace when there is no peace to keep. The Security Council has been forced to explicitly accept responsibility for failing to prevent the 1994 genocide in Rwanda in which 800,000 people were killed. On the eve of the atrocities most of the 2,500 peacekeepers were withdrawn after the deaths of 10 Belgian soldiers, thereby sending a green light to the killers. Moreover much of the subsequent UN aid was channeled through former Rwandan government officials who controlled refugee camps in Congo. (FAO, 2001). Many of these camp leaders were implicated in the campaign of genocide. Similarly, the UN was widely criticized for rehabilitating the forces of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, even going so far as to provide them with funds for the 1993 election (UNCTAD, 2006). This policy suited both the US and China, both of which wanted to shore up any opposition to Vietnam. Then there is the shame of Srebrenica in Bosnia in 1995, where Serb forces overran a so-called UN safe area, butchering 7,000 men and boys in Europe's worst massacre since World War Two (UNCTAD, 2006). UN Secretary General Kofi Annan later wrung his hands and concluded that "peacekeepers must never again be deployed into an environment in which there is no ceasefire or peace agreement" (SMH, 15/7/07). In a sick postscript, the perpetrators of this massacre, Bosnian-Serb leader Karadzic and General Mladic are still in hiding, having thwarted the UN's attempts to bring them before the International Court of Justice at The Hague (SMH, 15/7/07). Worldly Struggle Savage fighting between ethnic African rebels and pro-government janjaweed militia in Sudan's vast western Darfur region has led to 200,000 deaths since 2003 (UNCTAD, 2006). A beleaguered 7,000 strong African Union force has been unable to stop the fighting and only now does it seem possible that UN troops will be permitted to enter the arena to try and uphold the Darfur Peace Agreement signed a year ago (SMH, 15/7/07). The impasse in Israel-Palestine is one of the clearest examples of the UN's inability to resolve complex crises. Despite first proposing a two-state solution in 1947, today the situation

Monday, July 22, 2019

Economics Book Critique Essay Example for Free

Economics Book Critique Essay Paul Rubin began his preface by stating that tabula rasa should no longer be viewed as something credible. Rubin maintained his conclusion that evolutionary biology would eventually be the foundation of all social sciences. He maintained that the fundamental taste for liberty is a genetic legacy from the hunter-gatherer bands in the history of mankind. He stated, â€Å"I reach a surprising conclusion: modern western nations, and particularly the United States, are the most effective societies for satisfying our evolved political preferences† (Paul, p. x) Rubin’s attitude’s towards liberty is the one which cost me a great deal of apprehension, in spite of the fact that it is not brought up much in the book. Although I enjoyed reading the book, the fact that so little has been said regarding freedom, I believe, ought to be a cause of serious apprehension. In regard of the contended predominance of Rubin’s concentration on the biological foundation which lies beneath the current state of human liberty, he should have considered beginning with animal freedom as articulated by, say, Pavlov on the â€Å"freedom-reflexes†. The foundation of Rubin’s opinion appears to be a firm certainty that human control and freedom are polar opposites. In fact on his Preface he claimed that when he began the research he was still a libertarian and thus he does not understand much of government’s constant rules regarding human behavior. He stated, â€Å"I have not used evolutionary analysis to prove points in which I already believed† (Paul, p. xv). I was quite bewildered upon reading this remark especially since his declarations seems to exhibit an absolute lack of understanding regarding the vital social control as well as counter-control procedures. It also showed a black void of nearly enormous quantities in awareness of the huge body of literature which could be dated back from the founders of civilization. Rubin feelingly asserted â€Å"There are substantial benefits from limiting government power and great dangers from allowing it to increase. It is, therefore, a puzzle, to explain why so many seek to increase the power of government† (Paul, p. 134). His statement seems to be a little naive. Rubin admitted that most normal individual’s desires governments to do pretty much more than defend them from dishonest dealers, banks, and the like. Most citizens knows the danger of the profound corruption from financial organizations and this is the reason why it is not really much a â€Å"puzzle† why they want to increase government power. The same could be said with the world’s third world countries with weak economies. They look for international kind of government in order for the mistreatment of other advanced countries to be limited if not stopped altogether. The book Professor Rubin wrote is interesting in spite of the fact that I do not agree much with the things he mentioned there particularly on the issue of freedom. Professor Rubin’s, Professor of Economics, attitude towards society and liberty appears to intentionally shun the standard control terminology. He talks a great deal of power, and acquiescence in separate terms of dominant, counter dominant, and the like instead of using the standard terms such as social control and counter control. There are no discussions regarding socialization, customs, introjections of values, punishments, and the like. Overall, I view Professor Rubin’s work to be stimulating particularly because he have some unique views of his own which made me think mentally and allowed me to exercise my faculty of reason. Although I do not agree much with the things he claims, I could still say that his book was an interesting read as well as thought provoking and for these reasons I recommend this book to everyone.

Price Elasticity of Demand Essay Example for Free

Price Elasticity of Demand Essay Supply and demand plays a vital role in the economy. Price is the central determinant of both the demand and supply, for example the higher the price of a good or a service the less the product is demanded. In circumstance where the price goes down, demand increases. The response of price and quantity demanded create an inverse relationship between the two. Whereas demand portrays the consumer decision making in purchases, supply is drawn on producer’s willingness to make profit (Parkin, 2002). The overriding factor in determining price elasticity of demand is the willingness and ability of consumers to easily switch from one good to another (substitute goods) in case of any price change. If the demand for corn increases due to its use as an alternative energy source, its supply will also increase making the soybean (substitute) supply and demand to go down. This will force farmers to shift their soybeans farms to produce more corn because of the increasing demand at the market. The total revenue of the suppliers of corn oil will increase because of the increasing demand at the market. This is also because of other determinants of supply like price of the product; a producer (farmer) is always aimed at maximizing his/her profits and minimizing his/her cost thus a rise in price will increase the producer willingness to supply and vice versa. Other factors that are likely to affect the supply of products include tax and technology, a producer aim at maximizes his profit but an increase will raise his expenses. Technology helps a producer in minimizing his cost of production-provided that mass production is possible with technology. Parkin (2002) hints that in a market setting, the law of supply and demand predicts that the price level tends to move toward the point that equalizes the quantity supplied and demanded. Therefore, equilibrium point is created; a point where quantity supplied at the market and quantity demanded at the same market is in balance, where the supply curve crosses the demand curve. At equilibrium, when demand exceeds supply there is excess demand and prices will increase. On the other hand, when supply exceeds demand there is excess supply and prices will decrease. Such instances where supply or demand exceeds one another are very common in the market and will cause shifts in price. But when supply and demand balances, there will be no change in price. The price which makes the supply and demand to balance is referred as market price or equilibrium price. Reference Parkin, M. , Melanie, P. Kent, M. (2002). Economics. Harlow: Addison-Wesley Publisher.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cat Food Industry In The UK

Cat Food Industry In The UK By using environmental analysis, it is possible for organizations to recognize existing opportunities and threats for companies, define strategies to best utilizing opportunities and also to minimize the bad consequences of threats (Arabi Parsaeian, 2001). And the most important, the analysis can provide a rational future prediction as a base for future strategy adjustment. The company can forecast the consumer tends in next decade and rearrange its products in order to capture the volatile market share in a long-term perspective. The remote environment has the origin of factors that influencing operating environment. In industry-level analysis, it is necessary to analyze a macro environment of a company and access its performance of competitors responding to external elements. The object of this paper is to analyze remote environment and operating environment of cat food industry at United Kingdom. Part Two will be industry definitions. The industry background will be introduced in Part three at three levels, global market, Western Europe market and UK market. Part Four will be remote environment analysis by using PEST model, followed by operating environment analysis in Part Five by using Porters Five Forces Model. 2. Industry and Product definition200 211 Wikipedia defines Pet food as plant or animal material intended for consumption by pets. ( Mintel defines pet food as any foods that are specifically formulated and marketed for pets, including treats (Mintel, 2009). In legislation, pet food means a feeding stuff for pet animals. To achieve the appropriate balance of nutrients pet food, manufacturers blend mixtures of ingredients including meat and fish, with vegetables, cereals, vitamins and minerals to produce foods that will satisfy the nutritional requirements of a pet(PFMA). It is typically sold in pet stores or supermarkets. And pet food is divided into three categories (Figure 2): dog food, cat food and other pet food (i.e. fish food, bird food). Pet Food sells in the form that either prepared or non-prepared. Figure 2 Pet Food Segment In this paper, cat food intends to be defined as food product specifically formulated for feeding of cats. For the purposes of this paper, some further definitions used by Mintel reports are as follows: Wet cat food C including wet canned cat food with a moisture content of 60-85% and semi-moist food with a moisture content of 25-30% and includes complete foods. Dry cat food C has a moisture content of around 10% and includes complete foods Treats and MixersC food supplement for cat. 3. Cat food industry Background 200 475 3.1 Global Cat Food Market Figure 3 (Source: Euromonitor International) According to data from Euromonitor, in 2009, the Global retail value sales of cat food reach US19.6 billion dollars, at a growth rate of 4%. Although Dog food continues to occupy nearly half of pet food and pet care market, cat food market posted a comparable CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 5 % during the period 2004-2008. This indicates that the economic downturn had slight impact on this industry. However, the rising rates of house repossessions contribute to the decline in the pet populations, especially in western economies. The recession caused the lack of consumer confidence which lead to backward sales of the whole cat food market at 2008, but the global market is still growing in 2009 as the ongoing trend of pet humanization that consumers want value-added products that extend both the quality and length of the pets life. 3.2 Western European Cat food Market Figure 4 The Western European market is the biggest in cat food consumption. In this region, there has been seen a strong tend towards polarisation between premium and economy cat food brands, with mid-priced products increasingly being squeezed between them. (Euromonitor) However, as shown in Figure 4, the trend of polarization eased during 2007 and 2009. Although premium cat food still bear a large portion, Consumers tend to be prices-sensitive that economy cat food ranges grow rapidly. Figure 5 Wet products remain dominant in Western Europe but dry products sales are growing. According to data from Euromonitor, the gap between wet and dry cat food continues to narrow. In 2005, wet food accounted for 55.5% of all cat food retail sales, but this figure is predicted to decline to 51.1% in 2009. 3.2 UK Cat food Market In 2009, the value sales of the whole cat food market reach ?996 million In the UK (Euromonitor). It is the largest market of Europe in the cat food sector. The consumer base for cat food is significant with 9.7 million cat owners. And cat population rose up to 10.5 million in 2009, from 10.2 million in 2008. The growth rate is mere 0.4% largely due to the real estate crisis in 2008. A large number of homeowners opt to give up houses that they can no longer pay off the mortgage, and some of them have to give up their pets since they have no ability to take care of them. This is also the case happened in dog food market. As a result, UK suffered great in dog and cat population (Figure 6), while Germany take the advantage and grow rapidly in this segment. Figure 6 However, the volume of product sold was flat, because consumers preferred smaller portion sizes as pouches to cans. Premium and super premium foods took increasing shares of the market, causing the general increase in the unit price. 4. Macro environment Analysis (PEST) 2500 4.1 Understanding PEST model 364 Understanding the macro environment of a certain business is vital for the reason that the managers can forecast the market tends and take advantages of the opportunities and minimize the threats by strategy adjustment. In the analysis of the macro-environment for an industry, it is of importance to identify the major factors that the companies are facing and that might influence the organizations internal operation such as supply and demand levels and its costs (Kotter and Schlesinger, 1991; Johnson and Scholes, 1993). Some models are developed to indentify the vast number of possible issues that might affect an industry. The PEST analysis is a useful tool to understand the whole trend of the environment in which the industry is operating. PEST analysis stands for factors as Political, Economic, Social-culture and Technological forces to influence the business macro environment. Sometimes two other factors (environmental and legal), can be added to form a PESTEL analysis model. In PEST analysis, Political factors include government policies and regulations to the industry, taxation, laws, trade restrictions and tariffs etc. The economic factors concerns changes in the wider economy such as economic growth or decline, interest rates, disposable income, exchange rates and inflation, etc. Social-culture factors refer to demographic, age distribution, social welfare, population growth rate, changes in lifestyle and consumer buying patterns, etc. The technological factors relate to the development in technology such as application of new inventions, RD activity, automation, etc. PEST analysis can be effective for business and strategic planning, marketing, product development and research reports. Kotler (1998) claims that PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. The analysis examines the impact of these factors on the industry. Byars (1991) believes that PEST analysis results can be used to take advantage of opportunities and to make contingency plans for threats when preparing business and strategic plans. Porter (1985) also indentifies by using PEST analysis, the company can be aligned positively with the powerful factors of change and making decisions to fight against. Therefore, in this part, PEST analysis model will be used to explore the remote environment of the cat food industry at United Kingdom. 4.2 Apply PEST to Cat food Industry and Results 4.3 Understanding External Competition 4.3.1 Political 500 643 Cat food enjoys the political policies under the pet food category. Pet food industry is highly regulated and follows a number of industry codes and guidance to help manufacturers fulfill their obligations to manufacture safe pet food. (PFMA) There are more than 50 pieces of legislation governing the manufacture of pet food. As pet food is manufactured and distributed in the same way as human food, some legislation governing human food is equally applicable to pet food. Manufactures must ensure products are safe for cats, required by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). All legislation applicable to pet food originates from the EU in the form of Regulations, Directives and Decisions which are subsequently implemented into UK national law. (PFMA) It is indicated that Pet foods are subject to stricte legislation in the UK. It is able to ensure the safety and quality of products. For example, The Feeding Stuffs Regulations 2005 and The Animal By-Products Regulations 2005. A nd the legislation covering pet food ingredients requires that pet food involving meat based ingredients from animals should take veterinary inspections to make sure that it is qualified for pet consumption. The cat food market has been benefit for those regulations and the market predicts to be stable under political environment. Therefore, it will add confidence for consumers when purchasing these products for their cats. There are also a number of codes of practice to be followed by some association (FEDIAF, The European Pet Food Manufacturers Association) members in this industry which in some cases exceed legislative requirements. For example, since 2005, the EU Feed Hygiene Regulation believes that feed safety is considered at all stages of the production for pet food. The rules cover all processes relating to the manufacturing of the pet food, such as hygiene requirement, record-keeping, etc. The EU Feed Hygiene Regulation Commission recognized the FEDIAF Guide to Good Practice for the Manufacture of Safe Pet Foods and implemented the rules in 2010. These guides should be followed by all members of the community. It covers the detailed requirement of the nutritional needs for cats and dogs at different life stages. Members of the PFMA (UK Pet Food Manufacturers Association) follow the FEDIAF (The European Pet Food Manufacturers Association) Nutritional Guidelines when making pet foods. The guidel ines are updated at a regular frequency to include the latest nutritional research and are peer reviewed by independent nutrition experts throughout Europe. (PFMA) The new Animal Welfare Act came into effect in 2007 and was the first overhaul of pet law during the last 94 years. It sounds a piece of new to the cat food industry that pet welfare are becoming more and more important in the view of pet owners. BBC news broadcasted, The Act raises penalties for cruelty from the previous maximum of six months in prison or a ?5,000 fine, is the most significant new law on animal welfare for 94 years. For the first time, it legally reinforces the duty of care for pet animals. The duty of care includes that animals have a proper diet, are housed with or apart from other animals according to their need, have the ability to express normal behavior and are protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease. This rule is in accordance with the recent trend of pet Humanization that people tend to treat their pets as members of family. It indicates that cat food manufacturers are facing challenging that they need to forecast the trend of consumer consumption and make innovations. For example, it is the recent trend that consumers prefer organic food for pets. The new act also increases age from 12 to 16 for buying a pet. The cat food market sales will be suffered under this regulation; although no evidence has been released that to what extent it would be impact on the cat food sales. 4.3.2 Economic 500 378 (EURO) Strong economic growth drove surge in dog and cat populations in some markets According to Euromonitor International research, the cat populations have been rising steadily during the year from 2004 to 2009(Figure 7). The annual growth rate is 4% from 2004 to 2008. It is partly the result of strong growth in disposable income, and in large part as a result of rising residential property values. The real GDP growth averaged 2.7% in the UK between 2003 and 2007. There is a merely 1% growth from 2008 to 2009 as a consequence of real estate crisis. In the pet ownership, dog is the dominant pet in the percentage of owning households. But cat ownership has been increased from 21% to 25% of the total. However, the growth is not the possible future trend, for there is only 0.4% growth from 2008 to 2009. Figure7 Cat Population in the UK from 2004 to 2009 Figure 8 Cat Owning Households: % Analysis 2004-2009 During the latter part of 2008, economic plunged as the effects of steep decline in residential property values. Huge numbers of consumers who purchase houses at inflated prices found themselves unable to maintain the mortgages during 2007 and 2008. It caused the bankrupt of many financial services, and lead to economic recession. Millions of people lose their homes, and unemployment is rising rapidly in UK. This leads to the significant problem of pet abandonment in the UK. According to the reports of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), the number of abandoned animals rose by 57% in 2008. The number of abandoned cats rose by 50% and has remained elevated during early 2009. This has impact on the cat population and forms the reason for the slow rate of growth of cat food sales during this period. Trends towards Premiumisation were apparent in the cat food market. Cat owners prefer to single serve pouches to feed their cats. This format gets popular due to its convenience through single-use disposable style. It can ease of storage and serving. It is reported to be more gently cooked in these products than canned food. They perceive these as offering better quality food. Consumers are becoming more concerned with value for money. Many manufacturers are adding value to their mid-range brands by introducing new gourmet recipes and revamping packaging. 4.3.3 Social-culture500 650 Figure ? UK Household size, 2003-2013 From 2003, one-person household grow rapidly. Although two person household have been the major style, there is a sharp increase in one person household at the average growth rate of 5.12 from 2003 to 2008. People keep pets in the feeling of loneliness and Pets are increasingly considered a valued member of the family. Owners tend to have stronger bonds with their cats and often more of a sense of guilt at leaving their pets alone for long periods of time. According to the research of PFMA, 31% people keep pets for love, and 27% for companionship. (Euromonotor)Therefore, the trend to humanize the pets has emerged. The increasing rise of humanization promotes sales in the cat food sector, either in treats or gourmet foods. And it continues to be a driving force in sales of pet food and product development. Owners are caring pet health and chose organic, natural healthy cat food. Premium and super premium foods continue to represent larger portions of the cat food market. The trend of Premiumization cause general increase in unit prices per kilogram. But the volume growth has been flat as consumers switched from canned products to pouches with smaller portion sized. As their emotional attachments with their cats, owners want to care for the health and longevity of their cats by turning to this healthy recipe. In the UK this overall performance was largely driven by the wet category while the dry format is not popular and facing heavy discounting activity within supermarkets. In contrast with the global trend, wet cat food performs better than dry, with the wet cat food representing 74% of the overall cat food market. Its dry offering just has 22% in comparison. The popularity of wet cat food may relay on the different eating habits between cats and dogs. Similarly, the different eating preference lead to the popularity of single serve pouches that in line with the preference of cat food by cats. However, this single-use disposable format is providing the convenience to cat owners. It also offers the owners with a wider range of flavors to select for their small cat. But due to overfeeding and under-exercising, Pet obesity is rising with an estimated one in three household pets now overweight. The changing busy lifestyle of people causes the pets to be confined within home for long periods, and without enough exercise. Pet obesity is rather serious in cat for the gentle nature of cats than dog. In this case, Low-fat versions of products emerged such as specialized calorie controlled foods, foods according to levels of activity, and dietary supplements. (Mintel) Furthermore, prepared cat food sales remain high at 88%, even outperforming the sales in dog food market. The eating of cat is not easy to catch that the cat owners seek to convenient options to satisfy the cats. The prepared gap1 ratio in the UK is very high compared with other market, that it indicates a mature cat food market with less space for potential growth than that in developing market. According to Euromonitor, the high purchase of prepared products suggests little room for renewed growth in economy and mid-priced categories, since it is hard to develop new owners left to promote the sales. Convenience is a major driver for many owners in busy lifestyle. In terms of distribution within cat food market, the vast majority of pet foods continue to be distributed by large supermarkets as consumers seek convenience in one-stop shopping venues. Grocery retailers dominate the channels with 75% of value sales in 2008.People can select all arranged cat food in supermarkets, either premium or economy offerings. However, the sales of premium cat food is largely due to pet superstores and veterinary clinics, for the reason that the face-to-face recommendation of a pet expert is a key factor in encouraging pet owners to trade up to more premium products for their cats.(Mintel) 4.3.4 Technological500 419 It is acknowledged that the market was driven by technological innovation. Although economic recession has impacted new product development, it also brings challenges and opportunities. The pet food market has proved to be less impact by economic downturns, as the recent report says that consumers tend to not turn to cut the budget for their pets in case of the distressing economic circumstances. Consumers will cut down the spending over holidays, travels, and luxury buying habbites other than considering the already tiny budget in cat food. Report says that those who used to purchase premium pet food will continue this buying, while those used to purchase mid-priced and economy products are likely to be suffered. They are more price-sensitive. Pet food manufacturers respond to this trend by adding value to customers and give more benefits in their cost base. Cutting price is not usually a good idea in pet food in terms of establishing brand loyalty. Manufacturers are focusing on innovation by adding more value to mid-ranged products to maintain the sales from this group. However, premium and super premium foods continue to represent larger portions of the cat food market. The trend for owners to humanize their pets shows that human food trend leads the innovation of pet food trend. New technology focused on making production more natural, with more organic ingredients, and more close to human tastes. Many pet food manufacturers are launching new products in line with this trend by adding resemble human meal ingredients to offer human grade product to pet consumption, especially in the sector of wet cat food(Euromonitor). For the customers with affluent buying power, they are willing to spend on the high qualified pet products and apply the nutritional needs in the pet diets. Manufacturers seize their attention by producing products with more organic ingredients, free of additive and ethical standardized. In 2009, the sales of cat treats have grown at a current value of 4%. The humanization trend to the pet indulgence results the pushing sale of functional treats (Euro. Mintel). It is aligned with the increasing specification of cat food in different age groups as well as the detailed categorization of pet food with different nutritional needs. Although the sales of cat treats in not a necessary product and shares only small portion of cat food industry, manufactures are extending this market by the real estimate of little future growth in the mature cat food market in the UK. Future innovations and technology are seen in this particular product range. 5. Micro Environment Analysis (Poters five forces Model) 2600 The micro environment analysis of a certain industry concerns the internal competition within the industry by evaluating the performance among competitors. The operational Environment of the companies can be analyzed through the structural analysis by using Porters five forces analysis. 5.1 Understanding Porters Five Force Model 400 There are many methods concerning the analysis of organizational economic competitive advantage. The most popular and available tool in the operating environment analysis is Porters five forces analysis. It is developed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979. Porters five forces analysis is a framework for the industry structural analysis and business strategy development. According to Porter (1980), the five forces are served in understanding the micro environment of industry, in which the company is influenced in its ability to serve the customers and maximize the profit. As shown in Figure ?, the model identifies five factors of pressure within an industry including intensity of rivalry, threats of new entrants, bargaining power of buyers, substitute threats and bargaining power of suppliers. It uses concepts that derive the five forces to determine the competitive intensity and the possible changes among industry competitors. It will provide evidence for company to reassess the volatile marketplace. Figure? Porters Five Force Analysis Pattern As is discussed above, the competitive nature of an industry is strongly affected by suggested Porters five forces. The detailed evaluation elements of each factor are shown in Figure ?. However, it is not the five factors that determine the structure of the industry, but to indentify it and make use of the markets. The structure of the industry itself plays a vital role in the environment. By recognizing this fact, I am going to explore the operating environment of cat food industry at United Kingdom by using Porters Five Forces analysis model. The objective of this task is to present the micro environment inside the industry and competitive arena among competitors. 5.2 Applying the five forces model and Results 200 A five forces analysis allows an organisation to consider the relative attractiveness of different industry sectors when making strategic choices about exiting or entering particular sectors and markets. Close analysis of these forces can allow an organisation to find a position in the sector where it can best defend itself against them or, most effectively, influence them 5.3Understanding the internal competition 5.3.1Competitive Rivalry 400 Porter describe that competitive rivalry was to analyze the intensity of competition between existing companies within an industry. Industries with high competitive pressure will impose pressure on prices, sales margins, and even on profitability for the single unit in the industry. According to the data collected from the Euromonitor International, the UK cat food market was dominated by the two companies, Nestl Purina Ltd and Masterfoods UK Ltd, as shown in Figure?. In 2008, Nestl Purina contained about 35% value share, followed by Masterfoods with approximate 33%. They are equally balanced in the UK cat food market. Figure ? Cat Food Company Shares at UK in 2008 It means that the competition would be very high in this industry for the two giant retailers: Nestl Purina Ltd and Masterfoods UK Ltd. The entry barriers in the cat food industry are very high. As a result, the potential growth of individual company would be largely depending on the RD (PFMA 2009). The pressure coming from the market and looking for opportunities for progress is the main reason that companies in this industry initiates the competition. Nestl S.A. is a global organization with headquarters based on Switzerland. Nestl Purina Pet Care Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nestl S.A.. As undoubtedly the global leader in this market, the company reported sales at US$3 billion during 2008, with 11.5% organic growth and 5% internal growth at an annual rate. (Mintel) It is largely due to the sales of resilient market for premium and super-premium Purina brands. Nestl Purina led the UK cat food market with a 35% share of cat food with the brand as Felix, Go Cat and Purina ONE. Nestl Purina attributes its success to continued innovation and new product development across a range of price brackets. This behaviour attracts those consumers who are pursuing the specialized and healthy food for cats. It is viewed as a key driver of market growth. As a family owned company, Mars Incorporated operates six business segments including Chocolate, Pet Care, Wrigley Gum and Confections, Food, Drinks and Sym-bioscience. The company is also operating a global business, generating annual revenues of over US$28 billion. Masterfoods Pet Care followed closely to Nestl Purina at the second place with a 33% value share at UK cat food market. According to the Mintel reports, the success of Mars is supported by its key brands of Whiskas and Kitekat with brand shares of 26% and 4% respectively in 2008. Figure ? Cat Food Company Shares 2004-2008 As shown in Figure?,the seller concentration in this industry is very high. The major tow competitors are equally balanced. Mas has been performed better than Nestl Purina during the period form 2004 to the mid of 2007. There is no obvious gap between them. However, the Mars lose some shares in the market at 2008. The sales of the two companies are fairly static, giving out an impression of little space to grow. Moreover, other firms are struggling in this sector with mere share growth in the market. Fortunately, the competition in this market is stable, and the general unit price on cat food product is modest without massive fluctuations. It would be a very good aspect, since if price reduction happens in one firm, it will be rapidly followed by other competitors and consequently have impact on all companies income (Sadeghi, 2004). Given an increasing demand for more natural and convenient products in the market, the competition inside is very high. Exiting firms mainly focused on innovation to achieve expansion. Nestl Purina Ltd increased its market share by 0.7% from 2004, due to its launched premium brand Purina One. (Euromonitor 2009a) Hills Pet Nutrition Ltd, with 1.2% growth in its market value from 2004, launched series products in kitten, adult and senior range. (Euromonitor 2009a) It also had some innovation in packaging (Mintel 2006). Firms won better market position through advertising and promotion as well. Town and Country Petfoods Ltd twice its market shares since 2004, based on TV campaign and promotion. (Mintel 2006) It launched a premium brand HiLife with adverting and promotion more than ?1m in 2005. (Mintel 2006) Furthermore, incumbents worked on improving service. Oscar Pet Food UK provided face-to-face service, even home visit. (Precision 2003) In 2005, Town and Country Petfoods Ltd re-laun ched its website to delivery product information and professional advice online. (Mintel 2006) In addition, firms achieved expansion by merger and acquisition. Early 2001, Nestl bought Purina for ?10b, and then launched Purina One in the UK market.( David 2004) Six month later, Masterfood bought EUs largest nutritional pet food manufacture, Royal Canin. (David 2004) 5.3.2 Threat of substitute400 5.3.3 Buyer power400 Entrenched brand loyalty provides challenges and opportunities for retailers While tentative signs of economic stabilisation have begun to emerge during the second half of 2009, global consumer sentiment remains for the most part fragile. With unemployment continuing to rise (albeit at a slower pace than previously), household debt levels elevated and disposable household income still depressed, consumers are likely to retain a heightened sensitivity to price for some time. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity for retailers, particularly in pet food, as consumers in this segment are unusually brand loyal. As a result, larger retailers, particularly pet superstores, may continue to gain market share by leveraging the economies of scale they enjoy by offering consumers their favourite pet food brands at a cheaper price, rather than attempting to market cheaper alternatives to them. 5.3.4 Supplier power400 Private label remains vulnerable to rising costs Nor has the ability to raise prices been confined to the upper end of the market. Canadian-based private label pet food manufacturer Menu Foods scraped back into profitability during the first quarter of 2009 for the first time since the March 2007 recall. It earned US$54,000 (compared with a year-earlier loss of US$2.2 million) on sales of US$84.1 million, up 51.3% year-on-year. This increase was largely due to three price increases that totalled almost 14%. However, these price increases may not be sustainable in the short term. According to the company, as a consequence of our price increases, a number of customers whose volume represented 6.7% of total volume in the first quarter advised that they will stop buying from Menu during the second quarter. This demonstrates that private label manufacturers remain at a fundamental disadvantage to manufacturers of branded products in terms of their ability to sustain higher pricing. In Europe, private label manufacturer Provimi Group is experiencing similar difficulties. Provimi, which sells pet food throughout Western and Eastern Europe, including Russia and Ukraine, reported a 9.9% year-on-year increase in pet food sales during the first quarter, attributing this increase to a growing demand for private label products. However, it stated that its profit margins on pet food were negatively impacted by a sharp increase in the cost of cans that the Group was not able to pass on to its customers. 5.3.5 Barrier of new entry/threat of entry400 A few firms achieved to enter the cat food market successfully during the last decade. They operated mainly in three ways. First, these firms expanded into this market on the base of their original business. They are enjoying the benefits of the background in the pet products industry before. For example, Butchers Pet Care Ltd originally produced dog food only. In 2000, it successfully entered the cat food market by introducing new cat food product. (Euromonitor 2009f) Second, they entered by ways of merging or acquiring incumbents. In 1999, PG entered UK pet food market through acquisition of Imas, which is a historical pet food company established in 1946. (Mintel 2006) Third, they accessed to the market using own brand and labe

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Financial Crises And Global Capital Flows :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites The recent upheavals in the world financial markets were quelled by the immediate intervention of both international financial institutions such as the IMF and of domestic ones in the developed countries, such as the Federal Reserve in the USA. The danger seems to have passed, though recent tremors in South Korea, Brazil and Taiwan do not augur well. We may face yet another crisis of the same or a larger magnitude momentarily. What are the lessons that we can derive from the last crisis to avoid the next? The first lesson, it would seem, is that short term and long term capital flows are two disparate phenomena with very little in common. The former is speculative and technical in nature and has very little to do with fundamental realities. The latter is investment oriented and committed to the increasing of the welfare and wealth of its new domicile. It is, therefore, wrong to talk about â€Å"global capital flows†. There are investments (including even long term portfolio investments and venture capital) – and there is speculative, â€Å"hot† money. While â€Å"hot money† is very useful as a lubricant on the wheels of liquid capital markets in rich countries – it can be destructive in less liquid, immature economies or in economies in transition. The two phenomena should be accorded a different treatment. While long term capital flows should be completely liberalized, encouraged and welcomed – the short term, â€Å"hot money† type should be controlled and even discouraged. The introduction of fiscally-oriented capital controls (as Chile has implemented) is one possibility. The less attractive Malaysian model springs to mind. It is less attractive because it penalizes both the short term and the long term financial players. But it is clear that an important and integral part of the new International Financial Architecture MUST be the control of speculative money in pursuit of ever higher yields. There is nothing inherently wrong with high yields – but the capital markets provide yields connected to economic depression and to price collapses through the mechanism of short selling and through the usage of certain derivatives. This aspect of things must be neutered or at least countered. The second lesson is the important role that central banks and other financial authorities play in the precipitation of financial crises – or in their prolongation. Financial bubbles and asset price inflation are the result of euphoric and irrational exuberance – said the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, the legendary Mr.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay About Family: Regular Angels :: Personal Narrative essay about my family

Regular Angels My brother is a pissed off, broken angel, all contour and shade under the lights, with an angular jaw and a mop of hair that lingers perpetually between haircuts. He shines from his altar, sweat glistening against his brown skin like diamond dust and waves of fourteen-year old girls break against the stage, reaching and crying for a handful of him. He spills over with pain, seeding it with guttural groans and sibilant screams, and they receive it and in them it blooms and changes and becomes beautiful. As kids we take rockstar lessons from Rob Phaler, a local guitar hero who's prospects for fame outside of Boise, Idaho have long been buried under years of the prostitution of cover songs. He makes a living instructing over-privileged white kids whose parents pay him weekly stipends to reassure them that their progeny are prodigy. He smells of twenty years playing bars, and of the strong black coffee that softens the blow of morningafter upon morningafter. Out of the earshot of our parents, he calls us names, and when we haven't practised he rails at length against the injustice of two no-talents like us having beautiful new Fenders to play. My brother, he says, is hopeless. No ear and an ego the size of the Capital building. There is true wrath carved on my brother's soft child face as he crams his sheet music into his backpack and storms out of the studio, swearing in a color he's learned from our truck driver uncle. I, the peacemaker and ever so aware of the expense of our indentu rement to Rob, mumble apologies and pack the guitars carefully, laying the straps across them in the cases like roses in caskets. "Do any of you believe in love? Because I don't," The girls scream and the boys howl and my brother wails a high, splintered note. The microphone cord twines around his body, an electric serpent, as he dances wild, bouncing on the balls of his feet and whipping his six-foot frame back and forth. The girl next door is actually the girl across the street in our PTA neighborhood two blocks from the high school. From our house, it appears that the distant spire of the Mormon temple rises directly from her roof. My brother rides his bike back and forth in front of her house bathed in the chilly slanted light of October.

Parenting Styles Essay -- Raising Children Parents Essays Papers

Parenting Styles Parenting styles are as diverse as parents themselves. Parenting is one of the most challenging and difficult responsibilities a person can face. The way a family is structured is called the parenting style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non-verbal expressions that characterize the nature of parent-child relationships. Because individuals learn how to parent from many different examples including their own parents, role models, society and life experiences. Parenting techniques can vary greatly from household to household, however, experts believe that parenting styles can be broken down into four main categories which include permissive,authoritarian,authoritative,and neglectful. The style of parenting with which children are raised can profoundly affect their social development, as well as their abilities to deal with life situations as adults. Parents who follow the permissive style of parenting have very few rules, no consistent limits, and more often than not give in to their children.. In a permissive family, the children are in charge. Authoritarian-parents who are punitive and focus on gaining a child's obedience to parental demands rather than responding to the demands of the child.Authoritarian parenting styles give little to no options to a child. What the parent says goes. It is a rigid approach to raising children that may have been most effective in times of great famine or toil. It was used most commonly in large, traditional families in which the father was the patriarch, and everyone else was called to follow his command. Times have changed greatly since. Doctors see a problem with this approach in modern times,it creates a distance between parent and child in which the child doubts the parent's love for him. It is based on punishment, which can easily create anger. Authoritative-parenting who are flexible and responsive to the child's needs but still enforce reasonable standards of conduct.the authoritative approach involves effective parental communication with their offspring. Developing empathy and understanding creates a positive atmosphere in which the children can thrive. With a heavy leaning on pyschology, this approach replaces spanking with talking. The weakness to this method, doctors point out, lies in the lack of authority that the child receives. They see ... ...arents tend to produce softly-addicted kids. It?s very difficult for parents to tell kids to stop watching so much television when they?re guilty of the same type of mindless behaviors. Parents will find, however, that if they learn to spend their time more meaningfully, not only will their lives be more satisfying but they?ll help create more satisfying lives for their children.There are many ways to raising a happy, health child. Parenting is a special gift to most men and women. The best thing you can give to parenting is to be consistent with whatever you tell your child to do and their punishment. Parenting, which is somewhat akin to teaching, should be regarded as one of the three cooperative arts. Thus conceived, it calls upon parents to assist their offspring in the process of growing up, doing so by observing carefully the steps the children themselves take in the process and doing what is necessary to facilitate their progress. Parenting departs from being a cooperative art, as teaching does also, when it tries to be the active and dominant factor in the process -- when parents or teachers think that what they do should be like the molding of passive, plastic matter.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analyzing Strengths and Weaknesses of Amazon

Strengths Amazon has proven to be a successful and profitable organization in terms of growth, with a current net income in 2008 of 663 million dollars. The company uses Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Information Technology to record customer buying habits, investing a lot of time and money researching customer trends. Doing this they are able to locate and prepare for sales estimated from previous years. A high percentage of their customers buy during the holiday season; knowing this enables Amazon to offer different promotions and selling strategies tailored to meet the customers demand and needs. Amazon has a huge global brand and is listed as 130 on the Fortune 500 list. Amazon was one of the first companies in e-commerce; which has allowed them to hold a huge percentage of the market share. Amazon recently bought JOYO, Chin’s largest online retailer, creating an even bigger market share in China, but still left with room to grow. Amazon’s Inventory turnover rate is phenomenal, even in the current economy. They have been able to maintain a 34 day inventory to turn over, which equals out to over 10 times a year. This is beneficial, because it allows Amazon to adjust to seasonal products and different product trends, without large amounts of excess inventory. Adding to that; Amazon’s total debt has been decreasing year over to a low of $. 67 in 2008. This means that for every $1 Amazon has $. 7 in debt. This has been declining signaling company growth. Weaknesses Amazon has continually added new products and services to customers; and is known for their great customer service and quality products. Something for them to consider is, when adding new products or categories of products, they could damage its brand. In order to be competitive with other companies Amazon has to broaden the range of products, but cannot become a swap meet either.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gender and Language Essay

Other forms which establish their superiority over wo workforce is their need for scientific jargon, to prove to wowork force (and quondam(prenominal) themselves) that they argon the much intelligent of the dickens genders. Other universeful powder pickups range to occasion abbreviated terms for titles or objects, which show authority, such as FHM, GQ or even off uping MAX POWER. These titles connote the estimate of periodic and scientificall(a)y symbols or even macho representations such as G. I Joe. Max Power universe a prime example of the bigger is give out theory sh atomic number 18d by a majority of anthropoids.In which case all the titles connote the idea that by translation these powder stores they will fundamentally gain us period and authority as swell up as establishing the masculine gender as the more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) preponderant of the two. The placing of the title excessively shows that what men really want from a maga zine is what the media has al miens believed to be true sexually portrayed, attractive saucily-fashi mavind women spread across the confront cover, regardless if the title usher out be seen or not, is always more likely to sell to a phallic audience rather than an an other(a)(prenominal) male being sh induce. The actress Tara Reid is the focus sign of the front page and draws the reader in, due to her attractive pose.She is inviting but yet still shows residence of vulnerability and innocents as her ensemble of garment is of actually lacy and more to the point of white fabric, white connoting all that is levelheaded and untouched by others. The tag business sector overly insinuates that the obligate double backing her will alike be of great interest to a male audience as it is sexually oriented and suggests phallic implications. This has been chosen to pillow slip what is speculated to be the needs of at presents man, which is the chance to be the more dominant of genders and who is capable of giving women security.This ideology and ruling has at a time been shifted, as women like a shot ar more than capable of dealing with flavor much better on their consume without a man. Men atomic number 18 also more awargon of how women like to be seen as equal to them, and well-nigh be genuinely open to this change date others prefer to remain in the past times and continue to view women as manageable individuals. The cover of Maxim doesnt incite todays changes in genders, which suggest this is how they maintain an audience of male chauvinists, or at least to gain their attention. indoors the actually magazine stories and articles are very similar to those found in effeminate magazines but obviously aimed at a male audience. Its very alert to see that the barriers among the two sexes are very alike, in terms of talking to used and design. The typical hard find of what men perceive to be has in some ways become more softer and less agg ressive, showing that the new man of the twenty-first century can also adapt to new ideas, and that the gap between the two genders draws closer with each generation. on the face of it certain aspects of the magazine must be deemed just for a man, or at least of more interest to a man than to a women, for instance an article which expressed ways in which law officers captured and tormented their prisoners, showed images of guns and military dressed young men with vicious blood thirsty(p) dogs barking at the prisoners. The overall affect of the images were very crude and around inhumane, but for some men the idea of human devastation and war will always be of interest to them, for reasons which still hold questions as to why?Overall the identification of this magazine being targeted at a male audience can be verbalise to be true, due to the following aspects A Semi- nude young-bearing(prenominal) (preferably blond) will be spread across the front page, more identifiable if the womanly is already well k this instantn. The title expresses a large measuring rod as mentioned by theorist Raymond Williams that men are inclined(predicate) to the idea that epic is always better Sub-headings denote issues, which condition those related to sport, especially as the terra firma cup is due to start. And current matter issues which reflect destruction and chaos from some the world whereas with a female magazine the current affairs brought up are most(prenominal)ly directed at individuals who are form the world of showbiz or contain humour. In terms of the last point, female magazines such as MORE tend not to dramatise or even discuss issues which reflect those found on the news unless it is of relevance to their British, female audiences. This in some ways might be because they still revere that women are quite a frail and are more prone to show emotion to such topics. accordingly defeating the object of a magazine being a medium of entertainment, if the issues raised are of a more serious nature. This is where the variety between magazine journalism and that of publisher journalism lies. As Newspaper piece is aimed at various individuals and not to one set gender or age group it relinquishs for news and entertainment of both kinds to be expressed without the fear of disconcerting anyone, as this is what it is set out to do. Magazines such as MORE, are what give female audiences a barge in from reality and allow them to indulge into the world of gossip and fame.A belief shared by most people, in particularly men, that women enjoy gossip. bloody shame Crawford states that gossip allows women to communicate with their peers and gives them a star of comfort being allowed to k straight off what other people are doing from another world, which in turn is very different to that of their own gives them satisfaction and enjoyment. In conclusion what I beget noticed within my brief analysis is that although times have changed male m agazines still seem more relatable to todays society and contain more in-depth issues which a lot of female magazines fear to tread on.However this whitethorn only if be the start, barriers have already started to break between the two genders and with time these barriers may cease to exist. As women are now given more sexual freedom and social changes have taken space in terms of media influences (for instance commercials now cater for all genders and represent them as equal to men). A lot more of society now embrace the new feminist women and single mothers and radical changes have taken place in wander to have reach this state as well as changes from men and their somewhat narcissistic attitudes.A quote, which most women of todays society can now identify with would be that of Charles Fourier in 1808, which express stated that The extension of womens rights is the canonic of all social change. In other words allow women to live the way in which they choose and not convict them for it and changes within the sexes will be do for the better.BibliographyCrawford, M Talking difference on Gender and Language, Sage 1995 Fourier C, Theories of the forth Movement, 1880 Martin, M, Ways of reading, language and gender, 2000 Williams, R. (1980/1996) publicize the Magic System, Media Studies A proofreader

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Mobile phones enable children and parents to remain in touch.For me, not giving a phone is the personal best solution. Having a phone opens up the opportunity good for others to do bad things.We want to minimise the risk factors. Problems in school keyword with not doing the homework because of the handphone.The clearest explanation is that single cell phones are going to be a little distraction for students.Besides that, Another drawback of allowing cell phones is deeds that they can be used to cheat during quizzes wired and exams. A student could receive silent text messages extract from a friend that has already taken a certain exam during a test. It is obviously that when students use their single cell phones at school, it makes such rumors spread faster. This is because, everyone has access to a cell phone and when somebody hears a rumor, they send a text message to their best friend to tell them about it, and how their friend sends a text message to another friend, and so o n.

Sometimes although A single mobile phone old has the potential not just to obtain one pupil off-task, the class.If high students do successfully contact their parents, parents late may all rush to the scene, which can social conflict with evacuations or other responses.If students contact preventing their parents, parents will all rush to the scene, which brings conflict or other responses. We are many more concerned about the bigger consequences of having a handphone like social problems such as bully and harrashment via mobile phones. Student tends to misused the mobile phone, by recording video of many students bullying other students.When they are misused, they become hazardous.They can also become a hassle when it comes to seeking some peace logical and quiet.

It is a technology that is not missing letter from our lives.Almost everybody has a cell phone.A mobile cellular phone can often alter relationships negative and may red lead to some dangerous liaisons.These days, it is one of the issues in Afghanistan.

Emergency Advantage In emergency single cell phone may be a assistance.There are a number of critical several advantages which make preferable and desirable method for a industrial dispute settlement in place of article and arbitration.Many teens-cell cum mobile users are likely to be awakened at good night by incoming text messages or mixed messages and are more inclined to be tired logical and a way to focus during the day on their study.Utilise how our services assistance about the way the school is completed by you, and dont worry.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Impacts of the Modern Atomic Model Essay

The Bohr ideal is a pristine ideal of the instalmentic number 1 atom. As a opening, it push aside be derived as a first-order mind of the total heat atom apply the broader and a great dealtimes to a greater extent faithful quantum mechanism, and olibanum may be considered to be an senile scientific theory. However, be rush along of its simplicity, and its plant results for selected systems (see down the stairs for application), the Bohr precedent is placid ordinarily taught to allege students to quantum mechanics, forrader wretched on to the to a greater extent(prenominal) holy just now more difficult valency pose atom.A think work was primarily proposed by Arthur Erich Haas in 1910, only when was rejected. The quantum theory of the expiration betwixt Plancks break by means of of the quantum(1900) and the coming of a full-b economic crisisn quantum mechanics (1925) is often referred to as the old quantum theory. The frugal science of our ea rthly concern argon base or so bills and friendly emplacement at heart the population. The scotch science of a unpolished could ca intake its leading to change, prices to skyrocket, and at long last its sparing military post could assume the await of the being.For example, Hitler came to indicant in Germany because the Germans were vent through and through an economic crisis. Hitler promised them that he could get them let on of that depression, and because the wad of Germany believed him and gave him advocate, Hitler was fitting to fuck off a troop blackwash of commonwealth in another(prenominal) countries. However, the stoppage isnt close to world supremacy through political economy, it is close to the wad mixed in the scrimping and how they ar affected.It is some the tribe who tarry their flavour ground on travel up the economic ladder, do more money, and having a spiriteder(prenominal) power in the economy. In offense and penalty Fyodo r Dostoevsky presents diverse characters who fight back diverse take aims in the economics of the hoidenish in which they ar living. He uses Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladov to turn in the assemblage of hoi polloi who ar on the low take of society. Dostoevsky withal uses Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin to delegate the clan of deal who use their money and perspective to support others these are the stack on the high level of society.